The Ultimate Windows Set
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638 lines
<<GVIEW / GV>> ver. 0.61
Author: Tamotsu Tobita
NIKKEIMIX : tobita
Copyright (c) 1992,1993 by Tamotsu Tobita. All rights reserved.
Translation of the document: Masafumi Matsuda
This utility is a viewer of graphic files under the operation of MS Windows.
You will find this very useful especially when you use a high resolution
README.JPN is the original documentation written by Japanese.
If you have a DOS/V by IBM or a Toshiba T series personal computer
with "JSYS", you can display README.JPN properly.
** GV.HLP is only for Japanese. English version is not ready.
A graphic file viewer on Windows
This program changes palettes, when viewing 16 color data file, on VGA
(IBM-PC compatible) or on PC9801 by option.
Graphic formats include most prevalent graphic formats used in Japanese
computer networks, including GIF and JPEG format.
Among them, you to enjoy real colors, even if you are using fixed
palette environment like VGA or PC9801. (You know that under usual
circumstances, 16 color palettes are fixed in Windows. However this program
changes the palette.)
This program was compiled by Borland C++ v3.1 using PC9821Ap.
The operation was confirmed by the following computers:
IBM-PC compatible with VGA, SVGA
J-3100 SGT
under the control of Windows ver.3.0/3.1
>How to use
GV [<CPU option>] [/FP[+|-]] [/PG <Pager>] [/EXT=<TYPE>]
[/ZM <ZoomRate>] [/AS <AspectRatio>] [/AA[+|-]] [/WD <DataDir>]
[/ICON[+|-]] [/UC[+|-]] [/QT{-|={0|1|2}}] [/DT[+|-]] [/VI[+|-]]
[/C={16|256}] [/ESC[+|-]] [/APT={W|H|I|D}] [/BMP[+|-]] [/AL[+|-]]
<CPU option>
{ /98 | /98N | /98E | /98E0 | /98EA | /GA | /VGA }
{ MAG | MKI | Q4 | JPG | GIF | PIC | XBM | X | BMP | ALL }
Please start this program from Windows. You may select options from the
menu given by this program later. Also you may start this program associated
with the graphic file by giving the name of <DataFile>. Pleases use <Data
File> (name of the file) at the end of the options.
To make relations, please describe in WIN.INI in Windows as follows;
When you display the graphic data, you may use drag & drop feature.
Drag the file from the file manager and drop on GV (icon).
>Graphic formats
1. MAG: MAKI02 format developed by Maki-chan NET
2. MAKI: MAKI01A, MAKI01B format developed by Maki-chan NET
3. Q4: Q4 format developed on PCVAN and NIFTY by the QLD-group
4. JPEG: JFIF format by JPEG
5. GIF: GIF format developed on CompuServe.
6. PIC: format developed by Mr. Yanagisawa for X68K (Sharp)
7. XBM: Bit map format used in X Windows
8. X: Modified XBM format developed by JUNET
9. BMP: Bit map format used in MS Windows 3.0 OS/2
10. Automatic mode: Identifying the format by the suffix shown above
Details of the display of the formats
Partial pictures are displayed as follows:
1) When no pictures are shown before the partial picture, it is shown
2) When the number of planes of the color is different from that of
the picture shown before, it is shown normally.
3) When the specified position is out of the range of the picture shown
before, it is shown at the position where normally displayed.
4) When the size of data is more than 640 x 400, it is shown normally.
5) Otherwise, the partial picture data is displayed at the specified position
on the previous picture as a mixed graphics.
BAT file included in the Q4 graphic data is neglected.
JFIF data format is displayed.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
GIF87a and GIF89a(one file one graphic only) formats are displayed.
Basically GIF87a is the format that this program supports.
The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of
CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of
CompuServe Incorporated.
You can change the aspect ratio. This program supports the following
types; 0x00/0x01/0x03/0x11/0x21/0x52/0xC2/0x0F/0X1F/0XFF and 16/256/
4096/32K/64K colors. This program does not support partial display.
Depend on the window versions, the color shown might be different. (For
example, NEC Windows and EPSON Windows even used on the same computer,
give you different results.)
This program didn't correct these differences.
>Other features
Basically this program is only used to show the graphic data. This program
doesn't support the picture format conversion. Besides this program can
do more on graphics displayed.
1) Copy/Paste with Clipboard (DIB,Bitmap)
2) Data save using BMP format.
3) Multiple graphic data can be shown by drag & drop
4) Right or left rotation
5) Linked display with multiple graphic data (auto/manual)
6) Automatic window size adjustment
7) Information of comments on the graphics data
8) Display of the document file
9) Display of the information of environment
Copy to the clip board is based on the copy of both DIB and Bit mapped
formats simultaneously. You may paste using DIB (prior) or Bit mapped
Data Save by BMP
Number of colors will be the same number which you used to show data.
When you want to save 256 colors using 16 color machine, you have to use
256 color, which is not beautiful.
Drag & Drop
You can select multiple files. Use left button on the mouse to show the
Next Data:
Previous Data:
DATA List...:
Double click of the left button enable you to precede the file.
When you want to link the graphic data next to the picture already shown,
you may use this feature. The size of the picture should fit to the
size of the previous picture already shown. When you want to add the
picture to the left side, you should remember that the horizontal size of
the picture has limitation. You may use this feature especially when you
display several Q4 formatted data files.
Auto adjustment of the size
To adjust the window size on the available screen size, you may use this
feature. This feature is useful especially after the rotation or the
Comment display
Information on the graphic data are shown. These include data size,
number of colors and comments appeared in the header of the graphic file
(header in MAG format, /*comment*/ in XBM format).
Document display
Document written on the DOC or Q4D file on the same directory can be
shown using "notepad.exe" etc. (you may specify it.) When you link
several graphics, the common part is used as the name of the document
>More options
I am sorry! You find the forbidden options that depend on the machines.
1) PC98(N) (/98, /98N)
When the graphic data consist of 16 colors (palettes) and are shown in
the active window, palettes are chosen from 4096 colors. You should
use this option when you use PC9801 and NEC Windows.
2) PC98(E.0) (/98E, /98E0)
When the graphic data consist of 16 colors (palettes) and are shown in
the active window, palettes are chosen from 4096 colors. You should
use this option when you use PC9801 and EPSON Windows ver.3.0.
(The palettes used in EPSON Windows are different from those of NEC Windows.)
3) PC98(E.A) (/98EA)
When the graphic data consist of 16 colors (palettes) and are shown in
the active window, palettes are chosen from 4096 colors. You should
use this option when you use PC9801 and EPSON Windows ver.3.0A.
(The palette used in EPSON Windows differ between the versions.)
4) GA1024i (/GA)
When the graphic data consist of 16 colors (palettes) and are shown in
the active window, palettes are chosen from 16 million colors. You should
use this option when you use PC9801 and GA1024i under fixed palette
window driver.
5) VGA (/VGA)
When the graphic data consist of 16 colors (palettes) and are shown in
the active window, palettes are chosen from 262144 colors. You should
use this option when you use IBM-PC VGA.
(The color adjustment may not good in this version.)
6) OTHERS (default)
Under this default option, graphics data are shown dependent to the
graphic driver used in the windows.
7) Fixed Palette (/FP)
The above modifications of palettes information are good only when the
picture is in active window. However when this option is on, the
information of palettes is good when the picture is not in active
Other options are good in every machine.
8) Pager option for document display (/PG<pager>)
Please specify the name of the program which is used to display the
document file with path name. Default is "notepad.exe".
9) Setting the default file type (/EXT=<TYPE>)
This option determine the graphic data file type at the beginning of this
program. <TYPE> can be the format which this program support and ALL.
When you don't select this option, the <TYPE> is MAG.
10) Zoom option (/ZM <ZoomRate>)
from 10% to 999%
11) Aspect Ratio (/AS <AspectRatio>)
from 50 to 250
12) Auto aspect setting (AA[+|-])
for PIC format
13) Directory option at start (/WD <DataDir>)
assign the directory for data of GV
14) Icon option (/ICON[+|-])
Start together with ICON
15) Re-drawing option when non-active (/UC[+/-])
When this option is on and GV.exe is in non-active window, this option
forces the re-drawing of the picture by adjusting the colors as truly as
possible (Slow).
16) Reduction of colors (/QT{-|={0|1|2}})
- or 0 : no reduction
1: one pass
2: two pass
17) Dithering option (/DT[+|-])
18) Number of colors (/C={16|256})
If the number of colors assigned is more than the number of colors, there
is no reduction of colors.
19) Language option
usually use the information of WIN.INI
20) ESC key option to end GV (/ESC[+|-])
Please don't use ESC key During drawing.
21) Assign the aspect ratio (/APT={W|H|I|D})
W: adjustment of width to have a good aspect ratio.
H: adjustment of height to have a good aspect ratio.
I: adjust the aspect ratio to enlarge the picture.
D: adjust the aspect ratio to shrink the picture.
22) bit map option (/BMP[+|-])
Quicker format of the internal data. When - (off), you can save memory.
23) Image option on saving (/VI[+|-])
When you save the data, you use the same zoom and aspect ratio, if +.
24) Link option (/AL[+|-])
Automatic link taking advantage of the name of the file according to the
following rules.
The program recognize the last one or two characters of the file name to
link the data file.
xxxxU.ext + xxxxD.ext
xxxxU.ext + xxxxS.ext
xxxxU.ext + xxxxM.ext + xxxxD.ext
xxxxU.ext + xxxxM.ext + xxxxS.ext
xxxxL.ext + xxxxR.ext
xxxxL.ext + xxxxM.ext + xxxxR.ext
2 x 2:
xxxxUL.ext + xxxxUR.ext + xxxxDL.ext + xxxxDR.ext
xxxxUL.ext + xxxxUR.ext + xxxxSL.ext + xxxxSR.ext
25) Document option (/OD[+|-])
You will see the document of the data and graphics at the same time
Initialization File:
You can also define the options using this file.
Machine{ PC98 | PC98N | PC98E.0 | PC98E.A | GA1024i | VGA | Others }
Pager=<name of the command for pager>
Format={ mag | mki | q4 | jpg | gif | pic | xbm | x | bmp | ALL }
Dithering={ ON | OFF }
Quantize={ ON | OFF }
QuantizePass={ 1Pass | 2Pass }
Color={ 16 | 256 }
CPU={ 286 | 386 }
AspectRate=<50 - 250>
AutoAspect={ ON | OFF }
ZoomRate=<10 - 999>
FixPalette={ ON | OFF }
UpdateColor={ ON | OFF }
Language={ Japanese | English }
GaSwitch=<0 - F (GA1024i number for interrupt)>
WorkDirectory=<name of directory for data files>
PushESCExit={ ON | OFF }
UseBMP={ ON | OFF }
ViewImage={ ON | OFF }
Menu Command
(O)pen...: File open. You will see the dialog box.
Save (A)s...: File save using BMP format. You will see the dialog box.
When displayed by 256 colors, the BMP format is for 256 colors.
When displayed by 16 colors, the BMP format is for 16 colors.
When ViewImage is ON, the display image will be saved as it is.
Save (C)onfig: save the present status to the initialize configuration file
E(x)it: Exit from GV
(C)opy: copy the data to the clip board.
Copy View(I)mage: copy the data as the image shown.
(P)aste: Display the data in the clip board.
Cl(e)ar: clear the data from the memory of GV.
(A)utoResize: Resize the window to have the largest window.
(Z)oom...: zooming of the data (10 - 999)
{ (L)eft | (R)ight }
Rotation of the data to left or right
{ (T)op... | (B)ottom... | (L)eft... | (R)ight... }
Link the data toward the specified direction.
(P)icture...: Information of the data shown
size, comment etc.
(D)ocument...: Display the additional information files
DOC/Q4D/TXT files
D(i)splay...: Information about the hardware of display.
{ PC98_N | PC98_E.0 | PC98E.A | GA1024i | VGA_16 | OTHERS}
Please don't mistake to select the one you are using.
When selected, 80386 commands will not be used to show JPEG file.
Fixed Palette
For PC98/VGA/GA1024i
GA1024i SW
I/O assignment for GA1024i
Update Colors
Re-display to make the color of the data same, using the palettes
of the other window. This may slow down the operation.
Push ESC->Exit
ESC option on
{ (J)apanese | (E)nglish }
Use Bitmap
Use faster internal format.
Quantization :on or off
Method : 1 pass or 2 passes
Colors : number of colors used
Dithering : on or off
(A)spect Ratio...:
Aspect Ratio (50 - 250)
Auto Adjust to CG (PIC only)
(D)ata Info...:
Directory : data file
Format : format assignment
Pager : Pager to read the document
Save View Image : Save option
HELP file is for JAPANESE USE ONLY in this version.
(H)elp usage...
(A)bout GV...
Please inform the bugs to the author.
Some features of this program have not been well tested. Please send the
report to the author when you try them.
1. MAKI01B 8color 200line format
2. Auto judgment of CPU (286 or not)
This program does not paste the logical palettes. Therefore data exchange
might be in failure, when the application does not copy the DIB to clip
The drawing speed of JPEG graphic data is a kind of slow (;_;).
>Modifications in the next version
The following modifications are under consideration for the next version.
Please give the advice.
1. quicker depicting of JPEG graphic data (if possible)
2. PI format (please give me more information, too m(o)m )
3. RGB, Q0 format support
4. PICT format support
5. TIFF format support
6. Auto-continuous display by timer
7. Display of the data using the whole screen
8. GIF89a format (especially for comment)
9. Modification (sharpness, darkness etc.)
or adjustment or correction of the data
10. Utilization of Icon
11. Script
12. Format auto identification by the header of the data
Please keep the following instructions:
1) Don't change the copyright information. The author, Tamotsu Tobita,
reserves all rights. Mr.OB and Mr.YUIPO in Yamagata Univ. also have
the copyright of GV.HLP. Mr.PAO is the copyright holder of ICON of
2) You can freely distribute this software by BBS. However you should
keep in mind the followings:
a) Distribute as the original is.
b) Don't forget to distribute the document together. When you re-
distribute this program, I will appreciate your notice.
c) Don't ask any money for this software.
d) If you want to distribute this software for the commercial purpose,
please contact the author before.
3) The author is not responsible for any damages caused through the usage
of this program. Therefore it is your responsibility to use this
program. The author dose not have any responsibility to fix the bug.
The author does not have any responsibility for version up.
>Acknowledgment from the author
I really appreciate Mr.Woody RINN who kindly showed me the documents of
MAG and MAKI format (MAGBIBLE, MKBIBLE). Without these documents I could
not start to make this program. Please distribute this program to MAKI-
chan NET.
Thank you for the GIF87 documents made by Mr. Shindou (SHU). This document
is really a comprehensive explanation of GIF format.
Mr. YUIPO was kind enough to help me to test palette manager.
The information of Q4 format is obtained from XLD45.exe (XLD45.c) written
by MAJYO. Thank you for this information, Mr. Yuuichi (SYSOP of FQLD1 in
I thank Mr. Yanagisawa for his publication of PIC format.
I would like to express my thanks to those who contributed the information
of bugs and suggestions in FGALAV, FQLD and FWINF forums, especially to
the people in QLD forum (FQLD).
Please give the author the information of the bugs or advises. I would like
to develop better version of this program.
Tamotsu Tobita
NIKKEIMIX : tobita
>Environment for development
PC-9821Ap(memory 8MB)
GA-1280A(high resolution board)
MS-DOS ver.5.00A
MS-Windows v.3.1 (NEC)
Borland-C++ v.3.1
WXII-Win V1.16
FJ editor v.0.99d
WXII+ v.2.52
>History of modifications (version up)
V0.61 1993/08/20
Drag& Drop for multiple files
Re-Draw of the selected file
Japanese Menu
Auto Link
Document display with the picture
Image save / copy
Next file by left mouse button (double click)
Document display by right mouse button (double click)
PIC format (0x01:88VA/8Bit,0x0f:8Bit)
PIC format ( 8/4 bits)
PIC format (0x21:88VA/8Bit) and Drag&Drop
To return to standard palette during menu selection in 98 option.
Cannot escape during the loading of the data.
Quit from the hang up during large JPEG display.
Bug Fix: aspect ratio in PIC
Bug Fix: UseBMP
Bug Fix: BMP
V0.60a 1993/07/02
Support PIC(X68K) 4bit format (0x00)
Aspect ratio option
Saving memory option
Correction of the aspect ratio setting when rotation
ESC option
Bug Fix: reduction of color
V0.60 1993/06/13
Color reduction was supported in all the formats.
Support no reduction of color
PIC(X68K) support
Support Drag & Drop for MS-Windows 3.1
Menu -> title (loading status)
option method and save method changed
+/- option and numeric option support
initialize file format modified
Palette change inactivated when the operation of ICON
Bug Fix: JPEG 0 comment data
Bug Fix: MAG partial saving and method of calculation
Bug Fix: Window size during rotation
V0.59d 1993/05/21 (closed)
not clear the screen when drawing
TXT files were accepted as document file.
Bug Fix: MAG format (lines)
Bug Fix: BMP paste
Bug Fix: for the file name with Chinese characters
Bug Fix: Drag & Drop in MS-Windows 3.1J
V0.59c 1992/12/14
Data directory
GIFs with MAC header were accepted.
Bug Fix for GIF format
V0.59b 1992/12/13
Loosen the rule for MAG
More GIF formats were supported
V0.59a 1992/11/25
Bug Fix: ending
V0.59 1992/11/15
Help file
BMP file save (officially)
Drag & Drop support
Dialog box for file open and file save
Comment display for JPEG
More options (ICON, ZM, AS)
Bug Fix: link and cancel
Bug Fix: Scroll and re-draw when Zoom, Aspect rate other than 100.
Bug Fix: Q4, MAG, 200LINE MAKI file
Bug Fix: directory
V0.58x 1992/09/07 (test version)
Improvement of JPEG display speed.
Add "Japan" to the language selection
GA1024i I/O address switch option added.
Return to normal display mode on the modification of the size of
maximized window.
BMP file save
Bug fix: directory
Bug fix: VGA
V0.57a 1992/08/13
Bug fix: assignment of file, when starting up.
V.0.57 1992/08/05
fixed some bugs of options
V.0.57 1992/07/23 TEST version for USA CIS
added the feature of enlargement and shrinking of the picture
English mode
adjusted to the initialization file
correction of the aspect ratio
added more formats of JPEG which can be displayed
switches to Japanese/English mode according to WIN.INI information
auto-decision of 286CPU
Default of full color machine became Others
consideration of non-preemptive multitask (in part)
fixed the bug which reserved wrong spaces for display of Q4 info.
V.0.56a 1992/07/01
fixed bugs of menu check
fixed bugs of command line option input
V.0.56 1992/06/27
added JPEG format
added VGA option
added the option to change the data type at the beginning
added the feature to link graphics
improved to display Q4 format using RGB palette file.
added to display more information on Q4 format (date and RGB file
added OS/2 bitmap format
improved the acceptance of the name of document files at the
multiple graphic display using link option.
fixed the bug that occurred at showing some Q4 files.
fixed the bug that could not set the name of the document file when
data file was pointed
fixed the bug that occurred at the rotation of the picture which
had odd number of line or row.
V.0.55a 1992/06/03
added the option for EPSON Windows ver.3.0A
V.0.55 1992/06/01
added Q4 format
added link feature
added and improved the auto adjustment of window size and its
partial GIF89a display enabled
added the feature to read documents
added the feature to re-draw the non-active windows
improved the timing to change the logical palette
improved the menu structure
fixed the bug that occurred when XBM file does not have cr at the end.
V.0.54 1992/05/12
completed the action with palette manager
added MAKI format
added the option for EPSON Windows (PC98(E)) officially
added the PC98 palette options
added the feature that adjust the window side
changed the name of window to show the file name instead of GV
added the CPU information with MAG data
fixed the bug that induced malfunction to show MAG file without
fixed the bug that displayed wrongly the partial picture of MAG
fixed the bug that skipped to read extended block of GIF file
fixed the bug that worked wrongly with interlaced GIF file
fixed the bug that occurred with 8 color files
fixed the bug that calculated the wrong size of bit map size
V.0.53 1992/04/11
accepted GIF87a graphic format
enable to display partial save MAG graphic data
fixed the bug with 8 color display of MAG again.(_o_).
fixed the bug that hide the files without archive attributions
changed the timing of the change of PC98 palette at the multiple
graphics display
added the option for GA1024i
added the option for EPSON Windows (PC98(E))
tested the palette manager
V.0.52a 1992/04/05
fixed the bug that erase the comments at rotation.
fixed the bug that took the wrong number of the palette with PC98
fixed the bug with 8 color display of MAG digital graphics
V.0.52 1992/04/03
fixed the bug that kept open the resources
added the capability of rotation to left/right
V.0.51 1992/03/31
added PC98 options
sending DIB and logical palette information to clip board
V.0.50 1992/03/20
First version